Stag Party Security Estonia | Latvia | Lithuania
#6 Stag Party
Baltic Security provides Stag Party Security in Latvia | Lithuania | Estonia | Romania | Ukraine | Hungary. The key points in the stag party safety in Latvia are taxi charges | b-girls . Often taxi charges x10 times the regular rate. If the client start to hustle the taxi driver, his friends appears from nowhere and a police is being called on the scene. Moreover, we have seen cases that if not our presence the stag party from 10 people might have ended with the very negative sequences.
Stag Party safety in Estonia is especially recommended for the clients not from Northern Europe. Since Tallin is a very popular destination for the guests – stag party guests from Finland and from St. Petersburg, Russia. Very hot combination!
Stag Party safety | VIP Security in Lithuania is offered by Baltic Security. Our private clients are very thankful for the quality of the VIP treatment | Car Service | Mobile response team |not withstanding that dress code of Vilnius, Lithuania night clubs may not allow to enter even the VIP.
After a nice night out with good food and plenty of alcohol the individual got lost from his friends that were visiting Tallinn, Estonia. Friends got alerted the morning after. Mr. Joe Doe (fictional name) had his cell phone off, did not show up at the hotel, did not make any arrangements, missed the departure. Friends contacted BALTIC SECURITY and we have initiated an alert thru our well established sources. Within few hours, we got a positive ID of the lost individual, last seen in one of the night clubs, flashing some cash. We received leads on the further investigative events. Luckily, the guest found the way to confirm the well being.
Please note: for the groups of 4+ guests we operate only with an additional VIP Security officer. Baltic Security does not cooperate with any bars, strip clubs or nightclubs. We leave this option to the client, however, dress code and proper behaviour is a must. Even our strong connections will not let the clients to violate the normal internal rules of the establishment.