Internal standards designed for local subsidiaries; regulations of SEC USA| FSA UK | CBR Russia | BaFIN Germany.
Due diligence in Latvia | Lithuania | Estonia | Belarus | Serbia | Azerbaijan | Marocco | is an inevitable part of the successful business transaction. It includes complex events on information gathering | analysis | red flags identification | human intel.
Professional skills | experience in Economics | Finance | Law | Maritime Security makes us a valuable Due Diligence in Latvia | Lithuania | Estonia | Ukraine | Belarus | Russia | Kazakhstan | Greece | Iran. For the convenience of our clients, we extend the geo – coverage.
Due diligence is the broad investigation of a potential transaction to confirm the input data | background information. It refers to the care a reasonable person should take before entering into an agreement or a financial transaction with another party. Due Diligence in a must use tool for B2B or P2B inquiries.
Our approach is independent, professional, trustworthy and comprehensive. We aim to deliver due diligence reports that accommodate client’s needs and priorities. On occasion, beyond nice and clean profile, some nasty red flags or unclear points are detected.
Related services: Background check | Fraud investigations | Risk Assessment | Private Detectives | Blog